Le 14 novembre prochain, nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir au Parlement européen l’avant-première du film « Le dilemme numérique », la nouvelle production du réalisateur Klaus Scheidsteger (« Portables en accusation » , »Thank you for Calling », « Ondes de choc »). English version below.
Cette première projection publique du film « Le dilemme numérique » se déroulera le mardi 14 novembre 2023, au Parlement européen à Bruxelles, de 20h à 22h.
Infos pratiques
- Les échanges auront lieu en FR / EN.
- Lien d’inscription (avant le 12 novembre) : https://bit.ly/Rivasi_Film_DigitalDilemma
- Le point de rendez vous devant le PE sera à 19h.
English version
On 14 November, we are delighted to welcome to the European Parliament the avant-première of the film « The digital dilemma », the latest production of the director and writer Klaus Scheidsteger (« Portables en accusation » , « Thank you for Calling », « Ondes de choc »…).
This first public release of « The digital dilemma » will take place on Tuesday 14 November 2023, at the European Parliament in Brussels, from 20h to 22h.
- The discussions will take place in FR / EN.
- Registration link (before November 12th EOD) : https://bit.ly/Rivasi_Film_DigitalDilemma
- The meeting point will be at 19h, in the outside front of EP.
Presentation of the movie « The digital dilemma »
5G, Mobiles phones, Screenagers, Gigabit society… THE DIGITAL DILEMMA : A movie documentary of Klaus Scheidsteger. Premiere screening at the European Parliament, on Tuesday 14th November, 20h to 22h.
The debate on whether mobile phone radiation is harmful to health is never-ending. It is about the recognition and interpretation of study results, but also about product marketing and the billion-dollar business of a key industry.
This debate has intensified since documents of European bodies, the Science & Technology Assessment Committee of the EU Parliament (STOA), and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) asked for the recognition of the risks and a revision of the previous radiation exposure-limits protection policy.
The 90-minutes film will show how, among other things, consumer protection often falls by the wayside due to targeted lobbying. Of course, we are all users of a fascinating technology, but most people are not aware of the fact that the science that has found a problem has been targeted since the introduction of mobile radio. This scientific « wargaming » is exposed as well as the meanwhile fatal conditions in the subject of media addiction among our children.